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Pediatric foot care

If your son or daughter is complaining of foot pain they may have a common developmental foot condition.  Although there are many types of issues that your kid may have we do tend to see similar issues. Flat feet is one of these more common issues. Flatfeet can be treated with surgery but many times can be simply treated with a custom foot orthotics. Parents often also observe that their children are falling or tripping and not able to keep up with normal activities. This may be due to a condition called in-toeing or out-toeing.  Custom Orthotics are also a great way to help treat this condition.

Other common pediatric foot and ankle conditions include

-Toe walking


-Flat feet

-Pigeon toes

-Sports injuries

-Ingrown toenails

-Pediatric Heel Pain


if your son or daughter is suffering from foot or ankle pain book an appointment with Apex Foot and Ankle Institute for a complete evaluation. 

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